Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Bill becomes Law.....

Most of the time I pay little or no attention at all to politics, however this is bugging me.  Americans have been battling to have marijuana legalized for generations.  How much time and money need to be spent to convince our government that smoking maryjane is no more harmful than drinking a few beers at night.  In my experience, like that of many others, most pot smokers are much more mellow and easy going than angry drunks.  Perhaps it is the prescription drug companies manufacturing anti anxiety (anxiolytic) medications that don't want marijuana legalized?  If marijuana were to be legalized, I betcha many who are prescribed an as needed (PRN) anxiolytic would no longer need them if they could grow and smoke their own marijuana.  This would certainly take $$ from the pockets of drug manufacturers.  Such legalization may also decrease overall healthcare costs. 

I am not a pot smoker, however I am privy to the lives of folks who do.  Maybe if it were legal, and I were open to smoking it I would no longer need Zoloft?  Although, the appetite stimulant qualities of marijuana would certainly not work to my advantage. : )  

Doctors are currently entitled to prescribe Marinol (Drabinol);   Dronabinol is in a class of medications called cannabinoids, its active ingredient is THC. It works by affecting the area of the brain that controls nausea, vomiting, and appetite. The primary psychoactive compound of THC is Cannabis, that's right cannabis.  I'm sure you've heard of cannabis, AKA marijuana.  Now, tell me why is it ok for drug companies to take THC, turn it into a pharmaceutical, have doctors prescribe it, insurance companies and patients pay for it, and nurses administer it BUT it's not ok for a doctor to prescribe marijuana itself?  I am baffled.  Could it be that the drug companies won't make any money from marijuana?  I have a sneaky suspicion that it all comes down to money.  The pharmaceutical companies have tons of money, they hire lobbyists who swoon politicians who keep marijuana illegal.  It's all a scam, damn it!

Thank you for listening.
Yours truly,


I want pot to be legal, but not because of pain relief or anxiety, but because I like the buzzed, relaxing feeling of being high. You know, kind of like the same reason I enjoy drinking wine. After a long exhausting day, I often sit back on the couch with a glass of wine in my hand, and it's not because of the taste. (If I was going for taste, I'd drink a milk shake.)

I think it's been oh seven or eight years now since the last time I smoked.  But not because of a lack of desire.  I just couldn't risk getting caught when I was a public school teacher, and now I feel like I can't do illegal drugs in my house with my kids.

I think you are right that it definitely could be the pharmaceutical companies' lobbyist who keep marijuana illegal.  But I also don't doubt that it's just a bunch of old white people wanting to control the masses.  The "I know what is best for you person who has a job and supports your own family but I can't trust you to make good decisions for yourself" attitude of most Republicans lawmakers.

Smoking a joint every once in a while won't make people useless potheads.  Anymore than having the occasional glass of wine at night makes me an alcoholic.  Nor will it turn people to harder drugs, any more than liking wine makes me turn and chug down bottles of absinthe.

All the rhetoric is bullshit, Sarah.  Pure bullshit!

P.S. What is up with the spell check on this blog?


  1. What about the spellcheck? I don't think I could get it to work.

  2. You have to do it manually. I can't figure out why it's not automatic.
