Monday, March 5, 2012

Bundle of Joy


On a lighter note...

I was pleased this afternoon to see the headline Nick & Vanessa Lachey Expecting a Baby.  I am just a hair too old for the N*Sync/BackStreetBoys/98degrees boy band craze.  So I couldn't have even told you who Nick Lachey was before watching The Newlyweds on MTV.  But while watching the show, I developed a severe like of Lachey.

He was so midwestern to me.  So unspoiled compared to Jessica.  I remember when they moved into their new house, he didn't want to pay for movers to move some huge pinball machine, so he and his brother rented a fork lift and attempted to do it themselves while Jessica kept whining to "just pay someone do it."  For the record, if I was his wife, I would have been saying the same thing (but without the whine...mine is more of a told-you-so-nag), but I loved that he was convinced he and his brother could do it themselves when most rich people would just "pay someone."

I loved him balking over Jessica spending thousands of dollars on egyptian cotton sheets that she thought was a necessity.  I loved that he faithfully wore his Cincinnati Reds baseball cap every where he went.  He loved going camping.

He just always came off as untouched by all of the fame and money.  He seemed like a guy you'd want to have a beer with.

She seemed like a naive, spoiled little girl.  Not someone I'd hate, but someone who would annoy me.  Like the biology partner who would want you to do all of the lab work because "(sigh) uh (whine) I just got my nails done."  She seemed so needy.  Like she needed people to take care of her.  Not a quality I appreciate in capable able-bodied adults.  But the fact that he seemed to want to take care of her, for better or for worse, made me like him all the more.

When they got divorced, I was sad for them.  Sad that perhaps the limelight on their marriage might have doomed an otherwise possibly lovely and successful union.

I hoped good things for them as they moved on.

Jessica seemed to bounce back.  She was as popular as ever.  And dating famous sport star after sport star to prove it.

Nick tried to release a single and video.  I must admit, I found it cheesy.  The man can definitely sing, but obviously needs better management.

Then I saw him act in a few things.  Okay, Nick Lachey, if you are reading this QUIT TRYING TO BE A SINGER, AND FOCUS ON ACTING!  YOU ARE A PRETTY GOOD ACTOR!  Superman and I both agreed that he should give up the day job (cheesy love songs) and try to find some full time acting gigs.

His relationship with Vanessa has been quiet, but seemingly stable.  They always seem happy, but never showy or put on.

I was happy to hear of their wedding last summer.  They really took their time getting to know one another and making sure it was the right time before taking that very serious commitment step.
And now, they are having a baby!  I'm very happy for them.  I really do bet they'll be great, loving, and committed parents.

I don't know Nick Lachey.  I'll never meet him.  I have no desire to meet him.  But I'm just impressed by him.  By his down-to-earthness.  He just reminds me of so many guys I've known and liked.  And I wish him and Vanessa the best of luck as they embark on this new journey in their lives together.


I think it's cute how excited he was to announce her pregnancy. 

 For the record, I was a BIG N'Sync fan!  Even saw them in concert when I was in college, I think in Hershey, PA.

I've never given much thought to Nick Lachey as an individual.  I liked him in The Newlyweds, I thought he was very patient.   He seemed like a caring husband.  
 I had a difficult time deciphering whether or not Jessica's ditzy blonde moments were genuine or simply a ploy for attention.  Either way it was obnoxious.   
Betcha Vanessa will be completely adorable with a basketball shaped tummy and little to no swelling or fluid retention :)  Vanessa, I wish you 40 weeks of wonder and anticipation; eat your beloved burritos as often as you'd like, take advantage of the foot rubs, bask in the glory of decorating a nursery, and love that little baby like there's no tomorrow.

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