Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Dear Amber,

The Mega Millions jackpot is up to $500 Million Dollars!  Holy shit, that's a lotta money!!

Will you play?

I must admit, I'm incredibly tempted.  We've played from time to time in the past, but not with any sort of regularity.  $500 million may just be a # that most Americans can believe in and bet on!  I believe that scratch off lottery tickets can be a source of entertainment and fun, but most of the time it gets out of hand and folks end up spending far too much money and not winning enough to even cover what they've spent...which is unfortunate.  What about lotto as a means to fund education as most states now claim?  I keep hearing how our Virginia lotto funds education, but in the same breath I hear how our State Education Budget is being cut?  Huh?  Are we not playing the lotto enough?  Would more people buying lotto tickets actually have an impact on the education budget? --doubt it.

I just may buy a ticket for the $500 million.

Dear Sarah,

I have no idea how the lottery works.  And I know my chances are higher to get struck by lightening, hit by a mack truck, or have identical quadruplets than winning.  But you'd better bet your ass that I bought tickets!

In fact, my sister (and her sons), my parents, my brother, and I all bought 10 tickets each.  And we will split the earnings equally if any of us wins!

The first thing I'd do if I won: pay off my student loans.  Then, I'd sit down with a finanical planner.  I'd like to think that I'd be very generous and charitable with my winnings.  I couldn't see us buying a mansion or a private jet, when I know how many people are struggling with their day to day lives.  I'd like to use my winnings to help others in a substantial way.

One extravagant thing I would do: adopt.  I feel this aching in my heart for a daughter, but realistically I know that financially a third child is just not in the cards for us.  But with that kind of money, we could surely afford to adopt a little girl!

Good luck!

 Dear Amber,

Not only did I buy a ticket, so did my hubby.  Then I was graciously invited to participate in a group pool at work, 20 of us each put in $5!  That would be cool, awesome in fact.  I don't know I'd do with all that money, but I can tell ya that I'd never HAVE to work again.  Though I'd have fun raising my kids and volunteer.  Spending my time volunteering would be a blessing.  Maybe we'd do some trail maintenance in local and national parks, or volunteer as advocates for the Citizens Committee to Protect the Elderly.  I can tell ya now, the one thing we wouldn't do is have any more babies, we wouldn't adopt any either.  I love BTM and MLM, but they're all I can handle.   I think we would buy farm land and build a self sustaining farm that would last many generations....ahhh...that's a dream.

I agree with you, no mansion, no private jet, no caviar, no "bling", maybe a BMW though :)

Lots of luck!


How'd you do?  I won $7.  I spent $10, so that left me $3 in the hole.

P.S. Weekends like this weekend reminded me why we don't have a third child.  Yes, I agree with you completely that two is all I can handle!  And I barely handle that!


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